The grim statistics for Motorcyclists:
• From 2004 to 2013, the total road fatalities decreased by 25% whereas the total motorcyclists fatalities (including pillions) increased by 9%¹
• From 2012 to 2013, the total road fatalities decreased by 8% whereas the total motorcyclists fatalities (including pillions) decreased by 4.5%¹
• In 2013, there were 213 motorcyclists’ fatalities on Australian roads which accounted for approximately 18% of the Australian total road fatalities¹
• In 2013, there were 17 180 596 total motor vehicles registered on Australian road whereas there were 744732 motorcycles registered which account for 4.3% of Australian registered vehicles²
• Motorcyclists are 30 times likely to be killed on Australian roads than car drivers3
• It is estimated that a quarter of motorcyclists involved in accidents and wearing helmets suffer brain damage or death4
• As at mid-night 31st August 2014, there had been 114 motorcyclists (including pillion passengers) killed on Australian roads so far for the year 2014 and 27 motorcyclists from Queensland5
• It is estimated for each motorcycle or bicycle fatality in Australia, the cost to the community is close to $2.4 million per person, and substantially more for brain-injured persons6
The grim statistics for Bicyclists:
• From 2004 to 2013, the total road fatalities decreased by 25% whereas the total bicyclists fatalities increased by 16%¹
• From 2012 to 2013, the total road fatalities decreased by 8% whereas the total bicyclists fatalities increased by 52%¹
• In 2013, there were 50 bicyclists’ fatalities on Australian roads which accounted for approximately 4% of the Australian total road fatalities¹
• As at mid-night 31st August 2014, there had been 32 bicyclists killed on Australian roads so far for the year 2014 and 8 bicyclists from Queensland5
The grim Australian statistics for Motorcyclists, Bicyclists and all Road Users:
The following table list the number of road fatalities on Australian roads for Motorcyclists (including Pillion Passengers), Cyclists and All Road Fatalities from 1980 to 20141,8: Download
Note, from 1980 to 2013:
The year 1981 recorded the highest Road Fatalities on Australian roads with 3321 deaths8
The year 1982 recorded the highest Road Fatalities for Motorcyclists (including Pillion Passengers) on Australian roads with 482 deaths8
The year 1983 recorded the highest Road Fatalities for Bicyclists on Australian roads with 103 deaths8
The grim International statistics for Motorcyclists, Cyclists and Total Road Users:
The following table list the number of motorcyclists, bicyclists and total road fatalities for Australia, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States from 1990 to 20137: Download
Graph 1: Motorcyclists and Bicyclists Fatalities for Australia and the state of Queensland (2004 to 2013):
Graph 2: Motorcyclists and Bicyclists Fatalities for Australia (1980 to 2013):
Graph 3: All Road Fatalities for Australia (1980 to 2013):
Graph 4: International Comparison of Motorcyclist Fatalities for Australia, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States (1990 to 2013):
Graph 5: International Comparison of Bicyclist Fatalities for Australia, Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States (1990 to 2013):
“You come away from a fatal accident scene feeling absolutely sickened in the gut from the loss of a precious life (or lives) and thinking ‘If only……….”
~Don Morgan
[1] Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport, and Regional Economics (2014). Road deaths Australia: Statistical summary 2013. Canberra: Australian Department of Infrastructure and Regional Development.
[2] Australian Bureau of Statistics (2014). Motor vehicle census. Canberra.
[3] Australian Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government (2008). Fatal and serious road crashes involving motorcyclists, Monograph 20.
[4] Morgan, D.E. and Szabo, L.S. (2001). Improved shock absorbing liner for helmets. Canberra: Australian Transport Safety Bureau.
[5] Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport, and Regional Economics (2014). Data current to August 2014; [cited 2014 Oct 10]. Available from:
[6]. Bureau of Infrastructure, Transport, and Regional Economics (2009). Cost of road crashes in Australia 2006 report 118. Canberra: Australian Department of Infrastructure and Transport.
[7] International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (2014). Road safety annual report 2014. France: OECD/ITF.
[8] Department of Transport and Regional Development Federal Office of Road Safety (1999). Road fatalities Australia 1998 statistical summary. Canberra: Federal Office of Road Safety.